
MJ Holdings To Unveil First Cannabis Crypto 'Fractional Farming Token' At Las Vegas' Web3Expo

MJ Holdings To Unveil First Cannabis Crypto 'Fractional Farming Token' At Las Vegas' Web3Expo

MJ Holdings 将在拉斯维加斯的 Web3Expo 上推出首款大麻加密货币 “分数农业代币”
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/10/05 17:48

On October 5, MJ Holdings Inc. (OTCQB:MJNE), a publicly traded cannabis company, announced it will be presenting "the details of MJ Holdings' groundbreaking Digital Asset Tokenization Project" during the Web3X Expo, at The Wynn in Las Vegas.

十月五日 MJ Holdings Inc. (OTCQB: MJNE)是一家上市的大麻公司,宣布将公布 “MJ Holdings开创性的细节” 数字资产代币化项目”Web3X 博览会,在 永利 在拉斯维加斯。

The company's new project seeks to position MJ Holdings as "the global leader in combining cannabis farming and a digital tokenization strategy," per a company press release.

根据公司的一份新闻稿,该公司的新项目旨在将MJ Holdings定位为 “将大麻种植和数字代币化战略相结合的全球领导者”。

"We will combine MJ Holdings' vast real estate portfolio, 260 acres of growable land at Amargosa Valley, the growing expertise of the MJ team, and the unique corporate structure of MJ to merge legalized recreational cannabis and digital assets or utility tokens," said John Tabacco VP of Digital Asset Strategy. "For years companies have proposed pie-in-the-sky ideas about tokenizing Marijuana crops, but to date, a grand total of zero have successfully demonstrated the resources, capabilities, and cannabis know-how to bring together these two emerging growth areas. Crypto and Cannabis."

“我们将合并MJ Holdings庞大的房地产投资组合,即260英亩的可耕地 阿玛戈萨谷,MJ团队不断增长的专业知识,以及MJ将合法化的休闲大麻和数字资产或公用事业代币合并的独特公司结构,” 他说 约翰·塔巴科 数字资产战略副总裁。“多年来,各公司一直在提出关于大麻作物代币化的空中想法,但迄今为止,总共为零的公司成功地展示了将这两个新兴增长领域整合在一起的资源、能力和大麻专业知识。加密货币和大麻。”

Pilot: MJ's Fractional Farming Token Affiliate Program

试点:MJ 的分数农业代币联盟计划

"We intend to change the game in Tokenizing Cannabis Grow assets and using Blockchain and Digital tokens to streamline our process from growing to sale. (...) There are still challenges faced by Marijuana growers around the country we believe this first pilot Token Program will be the first step in a massive paradigm shift in space," said MJ's founder Paris Balaouras.

“我们打算改变对Cannabis Grow资产进行代币化以及使用区块链和数字代币来简化从增长到销售的流程。(...)全国各地的大麻种植者仍然面临挑战,我们相信第一个试点代币计划将是太空大规模范式转变的第一步,” MJ的创始人说 巴黎 Balaouras。

MJ Holdings director of operations, Al Reasonover, also weighed in.

MJ Holdings 运营总监, Al Reasonov,也称重了。

"It had been four-year labor of love curating the Amargosa Farm and getting all the approvals, utilities, and critical infrastructure in place to grow best-in-breed cannabis flower, indoor and outdoor. Now we look forward to combining our state-of-the-art facility and growing expertise with this groundbreaking digital strategy. We look forward to telling the world where MJ is heading at the Web3 Expo next week."

“策划Amargosa农场,并获得室内和室外同类最佳大麻花所需的所有批准、公用事业和关键基础设施,这是四年的爱心劳动。现在,我们期待将我们最先进的设施和不断增长的专业知识与这一开创性的数字战略相结合。我们期待在下周的 Web3 博览会上告诉全世界 MJ 的发展方向。”

Image By CannabisVera On Pixabay.

图片由 CannabisVera 在 Pixabay 上拍摄。

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