
Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE:NLY) Receives Consensus Rating of "Hold" from Analysts

Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE:NLY) Receives Consensus Rating of "Hold" from Analysts

Annaly Capital Management,Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:NLY)从分析师那里获得了一致的评级为持有
Defense World ·  2022/08/08 01:51

Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE:NLY – Get Rating) has earned a consensus recommendation of "Hold" from the nine ratings firms that are covering the stock, Marketbeat reports. Four equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and two have issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average 1-year target price among brokers that have issued ratings on the stock in the last year is $6.67.

据Marketeat报道,Annaly Capital Management,Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:NLY-GET Rating)已获得覆盖该股的九家评级公司一致建议持有该股。四位股票研究分析师对该股的评级为持有建议,两位分析师对该公司发出了买入建议。在过去一年对该股进行评级的经纪商中,1年目标价的平均水平为6.67美元。

A number of equities research analysts recently issued reports on the company. Barclays lowered their price objective on Annaly Capital Management from $8.00 to $7.00 in a research report on Wednesday, April 27th. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods upgraded Annaly Capital Management from a "market perform" rating to an "outperform" rating and raised their price target for the company from $6.25 to $6.75 in a research report on Wednesday, June 8th. Credit Suisse Group lowered their price target on Annaly Capital Management to $6.50 in a research report on Friday, July 22nd. JPMorgan Chase & Co. lowered their price target on Annaly Capital Management from $7.50 to $6.50 and set an "overweight" rating on the stock in a research report on Monday, April 25th. Finally, Piper Sandler lowered their price target on Annaly Capital Management from $6.50 to $6.00 and set a "neutral" rating on the stock in a research report on Tuesday, June 28th.

一些股票研究分析师最近发布了关于该公司的报告。巴克莱在4月27日星期三的一份研究报告中将Annaly Capital Management的目标价从8.00美元下调至7.00美元。Keefe,Bruyette&Wood在6月8日周三的一份研究报告中将Annaly Capital Management的评级从“市场表现”上调至“表现优于大盘”,并将该公司的目标价从6.25美元上调至6.75美元。瑞士信贷集团在7月22日星期五的一份研究报告中将Annaly Capital Management的目标价下调至6.50美元。摩根大通在4月25日星期一的一份研究报告中将Annaly Capital Management的目标价从7.50美元下调至6.50美元,并将该股的评级定为“增持”。最后,派珀·桑德勒在6月28日(星期二)的一份研究报告中将其对Annaly Capital Management的目标价从6.50美元下调至6.00美元,并将该股的评级定为“中性”。

Annaly Capital Management

Insider Buying and Selling


In other Annaly Capital Management news, CEO David L. Finkelstein bought 200,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, June 17th. The shares were bought at an average cost of $5.56 per share, with a total value of $1,112,000.00. Following the completion of the purchase, the chief executive officer now directly owns 1,669,013 shares of the company's stock, valued at $9,279,712.28. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is accessible through this link. 0.31% of the stock is owned by insiders.

在Annaly Capital Management的其他消息中,首席执行官大卫·L·芬克尔斯坦在6月17日星期五的一笔交易中购买了20万股该公司的股票。这些股票是以每股5.56美元的平均成本购买的,总价值为1112000.00美元。收购完成后,首席执行官现在直接拥有1,669,013股公司股票,价值9,279,712.28美元。这笔交易是在提交给美国证券交易委员会(Securities&Exchange Commission)的一份文件中披露的,可以通过这个链接访问。该公司0.31%的股份由内部人士持有。

Institutional Trading of Annaly Capital Management


Several large investors have recently bought and sold shares of the company. Riverview Trust Co purchased a new position in shares of Annaly Capital Management during the first quarter valued at approximately $25,000. Hardy Reed LLC purchased a new position in shares of Annaly Capital Management during the first quarter valued at approximately $27,000. Byrne Asset Management LLC purchased a new position in shares of Annaly Capital Management during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $31,000. CWM LLC purchased a new position in shares of Annaly Capital Management during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $31,000. Finally, SJS Investment Consulting Inc. purchased a new position in shares of Annaly Capital Management during the first quarter valued at approximately $30,000. 41.79% of the stock is owned by institutional investors.
几家大型投资者最近买卖了该公司的股票。Riverview Trust Co在第一季度购买了Annaly Capital Management的新头寸,价值约2.5万美元。Hardy Reed LLC在第一季度购买了Annaly资本管理公司新的股票头寸,价值约2.7万美元。伯恩资产管理公司在第四季度购买了Annaly资本管理公司新的股票头寸,价值约3.1万美元。Cwm LLC在第四季度购买了Annaly资本管理公司新的股票头寸,价值约3.1万美元。最后,SJS投资咨询公司在第一季度购买了Annaly Capital Management的新头寸,价值约为30,000美元。41.79%的股份由机构投资者持有。

Annaly Capital Management Stock Down 1.1 %


Shares of NYSE NLY opened at $6.55 on Monday. The company has a market capitalization of $10.64 billion, a PE ratio of 2.60, a PEG ratio of 1.20 and a beta of 1.16. The stock's 50 day moving average price is $6.30 and its 200-day moving average price is $6.74. Annaly Capital Management has a twelve month low of $5.45 and a twelve month high of $8.94.

周一,纽约证交所NLY的股价开盘报6.55美元。该公司市值为106.4亿美元,市盈率为2.60倍,聚乙二醇率为1.20倍,贝塔系数为1.16。该股的50日移动均线价格为6.30美元,200日移动均线价格为6.74美元。Annaly Capital Management的12个月低点为5.45美元,12个月高位为8.94美元。

Annaly Capital Management (NYSE:NLY – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, July 27th. The real estate investment trust reported $0.30 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.25 by $0.05. Annaly Capital Management had a return on equity of 16.72% and a net margin of 178.91%. The business had revenue of $475.14 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $399.39 million. During the same period in the prior year, the company earned $0.30 earnings per share. Annaly Capital Management's revenue was down 18.2% compared to the same quarter last year. As a group, research analysts expect that Annaly Capital Management will post 1.1 EPS for the current fiscal year.

安纳利资本管理公司(NYSE:NLY-GET Rating)最近一次公布季度收益数据是在7月27日星期三。这家房地产投资信托公司公布本季度每股收益为0.30美元,比普遍预期的0.25美元高出0.05美元。安纳利资本管理公司的股本回报率为16.72%,净利润率为178.91%。该业务本季度营收为4.7514亿美元,而分析师预期为3.9939亿美元。去年同期,该公司每股收益为0.30美元。与去年同期相比,安纳利资本管理公司的收入下降了18.2%。作为一个整体,研究分析师预计Annaly Capital Management将公布本财年每股收益1.1%。

Annaly Capital Management Announces Dividend


The business also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Friday, July 29th. Stockholders of record on Thursday, June 30th were issued a $0.22 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend was Wednesday, June 29th. This represents a $0.88 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 13.44%. Annaly Capital Management's dividend payout ratio is currently 34.92%.

该公司最近还披露了一项季度股息,该股息于7月29日星期五支付。6月30日星期四,登记在册的股东获得了0.22美元的股息。本次股息除息日期为6月29日星期三。这意味着年化股息为0.88美元,股息收益率为13.44%。Annaly Capital Management的股息支付率目前为34.92%。

Annaly Capital Management Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Annaly Capital Management, Inc, a diversified capital manager, engages in mortgage finance and corporate middle market lending. The company invests in agency mortgage-backed securities, mortgage servicing rights, Agency commercial mortgage-backed securities, non-Agency residential mortgage assets, residential mortgage loans, credit risk transfer securities, corporate debts, and other commercial real estate investments.

Annaly Capital Management,Inc.是一家多元化资本管理公司,从事抵押贷款融资和企业中间市场贷款。该公司投资于机构抵押贷款支持证券、抵押贷款服务权、机构商业抵押贷款支持证券、非机构住宅抵押贷款资产、住宅抵押贷款、信用风险转移证券、公司债务和其他商业房地产投资。

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