
Cell MedX Corp: Letter to Shareholders from Mr. Dwayne Yaretz, CEO

Cell MedX Corp: Letter to Shareholders from Mr. Dwayne Yaretz, CEO

Cell MedX Corp:首席执行官德韦恩·亚雷兹先生给股东的信
newsfile ·  2022/06/27 08:05

Carson City, Nevada--(Newsfile Corp. - June 27, 2022) - Cell MedX Corp. (OTCQB: CMXC) ("Cell MedX" or the "Company"), a biotech company focusing on the discovery, development and commercialization of therapeutic and non-therapeutic products that promote general wellness, is pleased to issue the following letter from Mr. Dwayne Yaretz the Company's new CEO.

内华达州卡森城--(新闻档案公司-2022年6月27日)- Cell MedX Corp.(OTCQB:CMXC) (“Cell MedX” 或 “公司”)是一家专注于发现、开发和商业化促进整体健康的治疗和非治疗产品的生物技术公司,很高兴发布公司新任首席执行官Dwayne Yaretz先生的以下来信。

Mr. Yaretz, CEO;


Having recently accepted the positions of CEO and Director of Cell MedX, I wanted to introduce myself to you, highlight the Company's most recent accomplishments and our vision for the future.

在最近接受了Cell MedX首席执行官兼董事的职位之后,我想向大家介绍一下自己,重点介绍公司最近取得的成就和我们对未来的愿景。

For more than 30 years, I have honed my skills with private and public companies and been instrumental in the development and execution of successful business models that focus and deliver on shareholder value.


What drew me to Cell MedX is working within the medical device and electroceutical space to deliver on those same values. I believe in the potential within the bioelectronics and medical device space - an arena that I have had the pleasure of working in firsthand.

吸引我加入Cell MedX的是在医疗设备和电子领域努力实现同样的价值观。我相信生物电子和医疗器械领域的潜力,我很高兴在这个领域亲身体验过。

Back in 2003 at the height of the SARS epidemic, I completed an RTO with Cantronic Systems Inc. to become a publicly trading company and remained as a Director to help them reach their full potential. They needed capital and access to the public markets to accelerate their growth within the medical and industrial device space.

早在 2003 年 SARS 疫情最严重的时候,我就完成了 Cantronic Systems Inc. 的 RTO,成为一家上市公司,并继续担任董事,帮助他们充分发挥潜力。他们需要资本和进入公开市场的机会,以加速其在医疗和工业设备领域的增长。

Today, Cantronic Systems Inc. supplies its Health Canada approved medical device body temperature scanners to Fortune 500 companies that include Walmart, Johnson and Johnson, Home Depot, Maple Leaf Foods and Saputo as well as Canadian and US government facilities, schools and more than 100 major airports in over 40 countries worldwide.

如今,Cantronic Systems Inc. 向包括沃尔玛、强生、家得宝、枫叶食品和萨普托在内的财富500强公司以及加拿大和美国的政府设施、学校和全球40多个国家的100多个主要机场提供其经加拿大卫生部批准的医疗设备体温扫描仪。

I see that same potential in Cell MedX with their significant progress in the development, testing and approval process in bringing a medical device to market.

我认为Cell MedX具有同样的潜力,他们在将医疗设备推向市场的开发、测试和批准过程中取得了重大进展。



Our global population is aging, and with aging comes a higher incidence of chronic pain and other ailments. According to the Boston University School of Public Health, "it is estimated that 1.5 billion people suffer from chronic pain, with prevalence increasing with age." This is where I believe the Cell MedX, eBalance® Home and eBalance® Pro System may impact the "electroceutical/bioelectronics medicine" marketplace.

我们的全球人口正在老龄化,随着老龄化,慢性疼痛和其他疾病的发病率也随之增加。根据波士顿大学公共卫生学院的数据,“据估计,有15亿人患有慢性疼痛,患病率随着年龄的增长而增加。”我相信这是 Cell MedX 的地方, eBalance® Home 和 eBalance® 专业系统 可能会影响 “电疗/生物电子医学” 市场。

Time Magazine and Scientific American have reported that electroceutical therapies could soon replace drugs for many chronic conditions. Not surprisingly, companies such as GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Microsoft, Medtronic, Boston Scientific Abbott Labs and Sonova, to name a few, are also researching the use of electroceutical therapies/products to treat a broad spectrum of diseases that are currently principally treated with pharmaceuticals.


GlaxoSmithKline and Google's Life Science division committed USD 715 million to Galvani Bioelectronics to focus on targeting electrical signals in the body to fight diseases. The article hyperlinked above features a short video with the CEO of GSK speaking about how they plan to "go big" on bioelectronic medicine.

葛兰素史克和谷歌生命科学部门承诺向Galvani Bioelectronics提供7.15亿美元,用于专注于靶向体内的电信号以对抗疾病。上面超链接的文章以一段简短的视频为特色,葛兰素史克首席执行官谈到了他们计划如何在生物电子医学领域 “大放异彩”。

In addition to Big Pharma's interest in bioelectronic medicine, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a fund of $248 million to develop future electroceuticals. The NIH reported that bioelectric medicine, "could offer new treatment options for diverse diseases and conditions such as hypertension, heart failure, gastrointestinal disorders, and more" According to Kenneth Research, the global electroceutical market is growing at a CAGR of 7.67% and is projected to reach USD 33.14 billion by 2025.

除了大型制药公司对生物电子医学的兴趣外,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)还宣布了一项2.48亿美元的基金,用于开发未来的电子药物。美国国立卫生研究院报告说,生物电医学 “可以为高血压、心力衰竭、胃肠道疾病等各种疾病和病症提供新的治疗选择” 根据肯尼思研究的说法,全球电疗市场正以7.67%的复合年增长率增长,预计到2025年将达到331.4亿美元。

Cell MedX began its research and development in electroceuticals more than 6 years ago when the Company recognized the need for an effective, drug-free, affordable electroceuticals system treatment which would address acute and chronic pain. The system needed to be designed to deliver treatments with consistency and simplicity. As a result, the eBalance® Home System was developed.

Cell MedX 早在 6 年多以前就开始了电疗领域的研究和开发,当时该公司意识到需要一种有效、无药物、负担得起的电疗系统治疗方法来缓解急性和慢性疼痛。该系统的设计需要以一致性和简单的方式提供治疗。结果, eBalance® 家居系统 已开发。

It is no surprise that in our post-COVID world, many people prefer home treatment to avoid being exposed to crowded waiting rooms when seeking medical treatment. Cell MedX has positioned itself to give pain sufferers the ability to treat themselves in the comfort of their own homes.

毫不奇怪,在我们后COVID的世界中,许多人更喜欢在家治疗,以避免在寻求医疗时暴露在拥挤的等候室中。Cell MedX 的定位是让疼痛患者能够在自己舒适的家中进行自我治疗。

For those who require more specific and targeted pain relief, the same technology was used to develop the eBalance® Pro System whereby a health care practitioner would direct the treatment to a specific injury or area of strain using pen probes.

对于那些需要更具体和更有针对性的疼痛缓解的人,同样的技术被用来开发了 eBalance® Pro 系统 据此,医疗保健从业人员将使用笔式探头将治疗引导到特定的损伤或劳损区域。



In 2016, Cell MedX engaged Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc., a Clinical Research Organization to conduct an Observational Clinical Trial approved by the Ethics Review Board. The trial was conducted by Lead Investigator, Dr. Richard Tytus, of Hamilton Medical Research Group.

2016年,Cell MedX聘请了临床研究组织Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc. 进行一项经伦理审查委员会批准的观察性临床试验。该试验由汉密尔顿医学研究小组的首席研究员理查德·泰图斯博士进行。

The focus of the trial was to assess the impact of eBalance® therapy for diabetes as an adjunct treatment based on the subject's baseline data and medical history. The trial period was 12 weeks and was designed to deliver two 15-minute treatments per week. The trial showed promising results by lowering HbA1C by 1.91%. To put this in perspective, a 1% drop in HbA1C lowers the risk of microvascular complications by 37%, heart failure by 16% and diabetes-related deaths by 21%.

试验的重点是评估eBalance的影响® 根据受试者的基线数据和病史,将糖尿病治疗作为辅助治疗。试验期为12周,旨在每周提供两次15分钟的治疗。该试验将HbA1c降低了1.91%,显示出令人鼓舞的结果。从这个角度来看,HbA1c下降1%会使微血管并发症的风险降低37%,将心力衰竭的风险降低16%,与糖尿病相关的死亡风险降低21%。

As well as the eBalance®Home and Pro Systems technology demonstrating efficacy in the treatment of both Type I and Type II diabetes, the same Observational Trial also demonstrated a clinically significant reduction of 9.6% of systolic pressure and a 10.4% reduction of diastolic pressure and, in addition, a significant reduction of edema and improvement of overall kidney function.

以及 eBalance® 家庭和专业系统 该技术证明了治疗I型和II型糖尿病的疗效,同一项观察性试验还显示,收缩压在临床上显著降低了9.6%,舒张压降低了10.4%,此外,还显著减少了水肿和改善了整体肾功能。



After the Observational Trial was complete, the Company began tackling the long and detailed regulatory process to bring their technology to market. In 2020, the Company completed and received its Medical Single Audit Program (MDSAP) Certificate which is a mandatory requirement for manufacturing and distributing Class II medical devices in Canada.

观察试验完成后,该公司开始处理漫长而详细的监管程序,以将其技术推向市场。2020年,公司完成并收到了其医疗单一审计计划(MDSAP) 证书,这是在加拿大制造和分销 II 类医疗器械的强制性要求。

In the same month, Cell MedX received its ISO 13485:2016 Certificate FM716345, confirming that the Company operates an effective Quality Management System appropriate for the safe design, development and manufacturing of medical devices.

同月,Cell MedX 获得了 ISO 13485:2016 认证 FM716345,这证实该公司运营着适用于医疗器械安全设计、开发和制造的有效质量管理体系。

Just months later, in July and August 2020, Cell MedX received Health Canada Class II Medical Device approvals for both the eBalance Home System and the eBalance Pro System.

仅仅几个月后,也就是 2020 年 7 月和 8 月,Cell MedX 收到了 加拿大卫生部 II 类医疗器械 两者均获得批准 eBalance 家庭系统eBalance 专业版系统

More recently, in September 2021 Cell MedX filed its US premarket notification 510k submission with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has acknowledged the submission and begun their review process.

最近,Cell MedX 在 2021 年 9 月提交了 美国上市前通知 510k 向美国提交 美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA)。美国食品和药物管理局已经确认了提交的材料并开始了审查程序



Having a Class II Medical Device approvals in place and with the FDA premarket notification 510k in process, the Cell MedX team is excited and for good reason. We are keenly aware that the great need for pain relief has opened the door to opioid addiction crisis in North America and elsewhere. The eBalance® Home and Pro Systems have no known side effects and may be of great benefit for those seeking a non-drug and non-addictive solution to pain relief.

有一个 II 类医疗器械 批准已到位并已获得 美国食品药品管理局上市前通知 510k 在此过程中,Cell MedX 团队非常兴奋,这是有充分理由的。我们敏锐地意识到,对缓解疼痛的迫切需求为北美和其他地方的阿片类药物成瘾危机打开了大门。该 eBalance® 家庭和专业系统 没有已知的副作用,对于那些寻求非药物和非成瘾性缓解疼痛的解决方案的人来说可能有很大的好处。

The encouraging results of their initial Observational Trial have opened the door to further exploratory research and development opportunities into the efficacy of the eBalance® microcurrent technology as it relates to pain management and its benefit when used to treat other medical conditions such as kidney function, edema, diabetes, blood pressure and shingles.

他们最初的观察性试验取得了令人鼓舞的结果,为进一步探讨其功效的探索性研发机会打开了大门 eBalance® 与疼痛管理相关的微电流技术及其在用于治疗肾功能、水肿、糖尿病、血压和带状疱疹等其他疾病时的益处。

As part of the process, Cell MedX Corp. looks to a bright future working with independent laboratories, research institutes and government organizations to further develop the current medical indications and study the benefits of eBalance® technology for a multitude of medical conditions. It may very well be that the future of medical treatments moves toward helping the body heal itself at the cellular level using electroceuticals rather than using pharmaceuticals, which the use often include a laundry list of contraindications and side effects.

作为该过程的一部分,Cell MedX Corp. 展望光明的未来,与独立实验室、研究机构和政府组织合作,进一步开发当前的医学适应症并研究其益处 eBalance® 适用于多种疾病的技术。药物治疗的未来很可能会转向使用电疗法帮助人体在细胞层面进行自我修复,而不是使用药物,因为药物的用途通常包括一系列禁忌症和副作用。

As the world emerges from two years of COVID lockdowns, and with Health Canada approvals in hand, the Company is now able to pursue the introduction of its eBalance® Pro System and technology into medical and wellness clinics and specialty pain clinics within Canada. During the "roll-out" process we will continue to build meaningful relationships with healthcare professionals and gain important insights. We also hope to complete a successful process with the FDA and set our sights on the US market and beyond. Pain knows no borders and it is our future goal to help pain sufferers globally.

随着世界从两年的COVID封锁中恢复过来,并且有了加拿大卫生部的批准,该公司现在可以继续推出其 eBalance® Pro 系统 以及将技术引入加拿大境内的医疗和保健诊所以及专业疼痛诊所。在 “推出” 过程中,我们将继续与医疗保健专业人员建立有意义的关系,并获得重要的见解。我们还希望成功完成与美国食品药品管理局的合作,并将目光投向美国及其他市场。疼痛无国界,帮助全球疼痛患者是我们未来的目标。

The electroceutical/biomedical market is a rapidly growing industry with companies both large and small pursuing ways in which technology can improve the lives of billions of people. I believe Cell MedX's technology will attract a tremendous amount of attention from pain sufferers and the medical community, particularly as Big Pharma is also making a concerted effort to pursue the science and efficacy of electroceuticals.

电子/生物医学市场是一个快速增长的行业,大大小小的公司都在寻求技术改善数十亿人生活的方法。我相信Cell MedX的技术将吸引疼痛患者和医学界的极大关注,尤其是在大型制药公司也在齐心协力追求电疗的科学和功效之际。

It is my plan that Cell MedX will continue its pursuit in helping the 1.5 billion pain sufferers globally and then leverage its technology and expertise to develop additional treatments/systems for other medical ailments.

我的计划是,Cell MedX将继续努力帮助全球15亿疼痛患者,然后利用其技术和专业知识为其他医学疾病开发额外的治疗/系统。



About Cell MedX Corp. (OTCQB: CMXC)

关于 Cell MedX Corp.(OTCQB:CMXC)

Cell MedX Corp. is a biotech company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of therapeutic and non-therapeutic products that promote general wellness and alleviate complications associated with medical conditions including, but not limited to: diabetes, Parkinson's disease, high blood pressure, neuropathy and kidney function. The Company's main focus is on continued research and development of its eBalance® Technology and its eBalance® Home and eBalance® Pro Systems, which have received Health Canada Approval as Class II Medical Device Systems for pain associated with sore/aching muscles in the shoulders, waist, back, neck, upper extremities (arms) and lower extremities (legs) due to strain from exercise or normal household- or work-related activities. For more information about the Company and its technology please visit , or contact us at .

Cell MedX Corp. 是一家生物技术公司,专注于治疗和非治疗产品的发现、开发和商业化,这些产品可促进整体健康并缓解与疾病相关的并发症,包括但不限于:糖尿病、帕金森氏病、高血压、神经病和肾功能。该公司的主要重点是继续研究和开发其eBalance® 技术及eBalance® Home和eBalance® Pro系统,这些系统已获得加拿大卫生部批准为二类医疗器械系统,用于治疗运动或正常家庭或工作相关活动引起的与肩部、腰部、背部、颈部、上肢(手臂)和下肢(腿部)肌肉酸痛/疼痛相关的疼痛。有关公司及其技术的更多信息,请访问或者通过以下方式联系我们

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Cell MedX Corp.

代表 Cell MedX Corp. 董事会

Dwayne Yaretz
Director, CEO

Dwayne Yaretz

Forward-Looking Statements
The information included in this press release has not been reviewed by the FDA or Health Canada, nor has it been peer reviewed. This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions and are identified by words such as "expects", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "anticipates", "believes", "could", and other similar words. All statements addressing product performance, events, or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Because the statements are forward-looking, they should be evaluated in light of important risk factors and uncertainties, some of which are described in the Company's Quarterly, Annual and Current Reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any of the Company's underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those currently anticipated. In addition, undue reliance should not be placed on Company's forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, Cell MedX Corp. disclaims any obligation to update or publicly announce any revisions to any of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory body has reviewed nor accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Investors are advised to carefully review the reports and documents that Cell MedX Corp. files from time to time with the SEC, including its Annual, Quarterly and Current Reports.

本新闻稿中包含的信息尚未经过美国食品药品管理局或加拿大卫生部的审查,也没有经过同行评审。本新闻稿包含前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述受风险、不确定性和假设的影响,由 “期望”、“打算”、“估计”、“项目”、“预期”、“相信”、“可能” 等词语来识别。公司预期或预期未来将发生的所有涉及产品性能、事件或发展的陈述均为前瞻性陈述。由于这些陈述具有前瞻性,因此应根据重要的风险因素和不确定性对其进行评估,其中一些因素和不确定性在公司向美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)提交的季度、年度和当前报告中进行了描述。如果这些风险或不确定性中的一项或多项得以实现,或者公司的任何基本假设被证明不正确,则实际结果可能与目前的预期存在重大差异。此外,不应过分依赖公司的前瞻性陈述。除非法律要求,否则Cell MedX Corp. 不承担任何更新或公开宣布对本新闻稿中包含的任何前瞻性陈述的任何修订的义务。无法保证此类陈述会被证明是准确的,实际结果和未来事件可能与此类陈述中的预期存在重大差异。任何证券交易所、证券委员会或其他监管机构均未对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性进行审查或承担责任。建议投资者仔细查看Cell MedX Corp. 不时向美国证券交易委员会提交的报告和文件,包括其年度、季度和当前报告。

Cell MedX Corp.
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Cell MedX 公司

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