
Mawson Infrastructure Group Inc. To Become 33% Shareholder Of Tasmania Data Infrastructure Pty; Terms Not Disclosed

Mawson Infrastructure Group Inc. To Become 33% Shareholder Of Tasmania Data Infrastructure Pty; Terms Not Disclosed

Mawson Infrastructure Group Inc.将成为塔斯马尼亚数据基础设施公司33%的股东;条款未披露
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/06/07 10:48

TDI is developing a large-scale, 100% renewable energy Bitcoin Mining facility in Tasmania, Australia


Mawson Infrastructure Group Inc. (NASDAQ:MIGI) ("Mawson"), a digital infrastructure provider, is pleased to announce that it will become a 33% shareholder in Tasmania Data Infrastructure Pty Ltd ("TDI").


TDI is developing a large-scale, 100% renewable energy Bitcoin Mining facility at the Que River Mine Site in Tasmania, Australia with up to 35 megawatts of energy infrastructure available for Bitcoin Mining in Q3, 2022. Mawson will also have the right to host up to 10MW of its own Bitcoin Mining infrastructure at the site. The site has potential expansion capacity in excess of 100 megawatts, subject to infrastructure upgrades over time.

TDI正在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚的Que River矿场开发一个大规模、100%可再生能源的比特币开采设施,2022年第三季度可为比特币开采提供高达35兆瓦的能源基础设施。Mawson还将有权在该网站托管其自己的比特币开采基础设施,最高可达10兆瓦。随着时间的推移,随着基础设施的升级,该核电站的潜在扩建能力将超过100兆瓦。

Mawson has exchanged approximately 1975 ASIC Bitcoin Miners for a 33% equity holding in TDI and will provide a license for TDI to utilize Mawson's Modular Data Center (MDC) and associated technology. The sale of the ASIC Bitcoin Miners reflects Mawson's strategy to continually cycle and upgrade our overall fleet of equipment, with the sale to be reflected in the second quarter 2022 financial results.

Mawson已经用大约1975年的ASIC比特币矿工交换了TDI 33%的股权,并将为TDI提供使用Mawson的模块化数据中心(MDC)和相关技术的许可证。出售ASIC比特币矿工反映了Mawson不断循环和升级我们整个设备机队的战略,出售将反映在2022年第二季度的财务业绩中。

The Que River Mine Site covers a total area of approximately 300 hectares, is located directly adjacent to TasNetworks Que substation, and is in close proximity to two large-scale transmission lines servicing the northwest part of Tasmania. The site is powered by 100% renewable energy, has an existing 40MVA substation with significant additional power availability, advanced installed communication infrastructure and sits atop a landholding of 30 hectares, providing ample space for future Modular Date Center expansion.

Que River矿场总面积约300公顷,直接毗邻TasNetworks QUE变电站,靠近两条服务于塔斯马尼亚州西北部的大型输电线路。该站点由100%可再生能源供电,现有40MVA变电站具有显著的额外电力供应,安装了先进的通信基础设施,占地30公顷,为未来模块数据中心的扩展提供了充足的空间。

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