
Tilray Brands | 8-K: Entry into an assignment and assumption agreement with Double Diamond

Tilray Brands | 8-K:与Double Diamond签订转让和承担协议

SEC announcement ·  01/10 00:00
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On January 9, 2024, Tilray Brands, Inc., a Delaware-based company, announced the completion of a significant transaction with Double Diamond Holdings Ltd. (DDH), an Ontario corporation. The agreement involved Tilray acquiring a promissory note worth USD$26,134,500 from DDH, which is payable by 1974568 Ontario Limited, also known as Aphria Diamond. Aphria Diamond is a joint venture between DDH and Aphria Inc., which is a direct and wholly-owned subsidiary of Tilray. In exchange for the note, Tilray issued 12,386,019 shares of its common stock to DDH. The shares, referred to as Consideration Shares, were issued under the exemption provided by Regulation S of the Securities Act, which allows for the sale of securities outside the United States without registration. This transaction did not involve any underwriters or the payment of commissions.
On January 9, 2024, Tilray Brands, Inc., a Delaware-based company, announced the completion of a significant transaction with Double Diamond Holdings Ltd. (DDH), an Ontario corporation. The agreement involved Tilray acquiring a promissory note worth USD$26,134,500 from DDH, which is payable by 1974568 Ontario Limited, also known as Aphria Diamond. Aphria Diamond is a joint venture between DDH and Aphria Inc., which is a direct and wholly-owned subsidiary of Tilray. In exchange for the note, Tilray issued 12,386,019 shares of its common stock to DDH. The shares, referred to as Consideration Shares, were issued under the exemption provided by Regulation S of the Securities Act, which allows for the sale of securities outside the United States without registration. This transaction did not involve any underwriters or the payment of commissions.
2024年1月9日,总部位于特拉华州的公司Tilray Brands, Inc. 宣布完成与安大略省公司双钻控股有限公司(DDH)的重大交易。该协议涉及蒂尔雷从DDH购买价值26,134,500美元的期票,该期票由1974568安大略有限公司(又名Aphria Diamond)支付。Aphria Diamond是DDH和Aphria Inc. 的合资企业,后者是Tilray的直接全资子公司。作为票据的交换,蒂尔雷向DDH发行了12,386,019股普通股。这些股票被称为对价股,是在《证券法》第S条规定的豁免下发行的,该条允许无需注册在美国境外出售证券。该交易不涉及任何承销商或佣金的支付。
2024年1月9日,总部位于特拉华州的公司Tilray Brands, Inc. 宣布完成与安大略省公司双钻控股有限公司(DDH)的重大交易。该协议涉及蒂尔雷从DDH购买价值26,134,500美元的期票,该期票由1974568安大略有限公司(又名Aphria Diamond)支付。Aphria Diamond是DDH和Aphria Inc. 的合资企业,后者是Tilray的直接全资子公司。作为票据的交换,蒂尔雷向DDH发行了12,386,019股普通股。这些股票被称为对价股,是在《证券法》第S条规定的豁免下发行的,该条允许无需注册在美国境外出售证券。该交易不涉及任何承销商或佣金的支付。
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