
Michael Jerome 保密 ID: 70094508
I am a cannabis professional in the pacifc northwest 😊
    $SNDL Inc(SNDL.US)$该新闻称,华尔街投注和零售商都在推高日度。那只是真相的一半...另一半是刺激进展。我说在四月之前是 50 美元 👌🏼🌟
    如果民主党及其一揽子刺激计划一切按计划进行,看来是这样,大麻不会放慢脚步。这仅仅是个开始,随着该刺激法案的进展,所有canmabis股票将继续上涨。你不会在新闻中读到太多内容,但我预计联邦政府将在3月15日当天或之前正式宣布终止大麻禁令。至少这是佩洛西的使命。合法化的软切换正式发生在2016年,当时特朗普和塞申斯将大麻改为大麻,将四氢大麻酚和CBD定义为相同,根据缉毒局的说法,它们是完全一样的东西...根据美国食品药品管理局的说法,CBD是一种膳食补充剂,老大哥似乎没有任何异议,因此《农业法案》...大麻是合法的人。我很惊讶所有人花了这么长时间才赶上 😅 但还是很兴奋 🌟...
    $SNDL 210716 2.00C(SNDL210716C2000.US)$ 佩洛西说,她预计新的刺激计划将在3月15日之前通过国会。在此之前,这些大麻库存将向上攀升,当一揽子计划通过时,它将大幅上涨。购买 Sundial 并持有几个月。你不会后悔的。🌟
    $SNDL Inc(SNDL.US)$ 现在可以买大麻了!!在副总统哈里斯今天上午打破平局以获得拜登的一揽子刺激计划,包括查克·舒默在内的多位民主党人发誓要终止大麻禁令,以及关于如何允许所有联邦存款保险银行对大麻客户制定政策的部分之后,手段即将合法化,如果sundial已经或很快获得美国缉毒局的许可,将其大麻进口到美国出售,我也不会感到惊讶。🌟...
    Yearn.finance/vaults - check out the Ycurve APY%
    (coinbase wallet works great to connect a wallet)
    Whos ready for next week!? Due to the lack of cooperation from the US Governmental parties, Stimulus "talks" more like debates, will continue, no agreement will be reached. Believe it or not, the lawmakers are actually making more money themselves right now by not passing a stimulus bill than they would if they had forsake part of their salary for the package to work. Theyre saying "i want a stimulus package but i wont take less pay for my job to make it happen."
    Nothing is going to make a comeback anytime soon. The Dollar is absolutely screwed.
    I dont know much about the stock market as far as whats going to happen to the United States stock Market when the United States collapses (10-20 years if trump is voted out now. 1-3 years if he is releelected).
    I dont know if US dollars are the o...
    Que 大萧条。到目前为止我们还没见过杰克。
    Thanks to bearish cme gaps, bitcoin WILL NEVER break 11000 again. Pretty soon, making money will be equivalent equivalent to winning prizes at a carnival. Its exciting in the moment but the value of your prize is still 0.
    Stock market is screwed, crypto is screwed, fiat currency is screwed. Were on the forefront of total economic and global collapse. The "way" things used to go, dont work anymore and people refuse to change, so they hang on for dear life, attaching themselves to whats already dead. I really hope anyone reading this can find happiness without making money, cause money wont be around much longer. Hell, its value is going negative by the day. We sre certainly in a bubble, but when it pops WERE ALL FUCKED...