Moo Live
Jan 23 16:54
MicroStrategy Q4 2024 earnings conference call
Quantity Theory
Eight relations of quantity price theory technical aspect quantity price theory
What is the theory of quantity and price
Five forms of trading volume technical aspect volume price theory
How to study and judge the change of trading volume technical aspect volume price theory
The implication behind the trading volume in the end of the day technical aspect volume price theory
The characteristics of "black horse" in terms of quantity, technology and price
Indicator Introduction
The volume price theory was first seen in "Stock Market Indicators" by Joe Granville, an American stock market analyst. Grumbi believes that trading volume is the vitality and motivation of the stock market. Changes in trading volume directly reflect whether the stock market is active or not, and it reflects the dynamics between supply and demand during the operation of the market. There is no occurrence of trading volume and market prices. It is impossible to change, and there is no stock price trend at all. The increase or shrinkage of the trading volume shows a certain stock price trend.
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