JAPAN POST HLDGS CO LTD To Go Ex-Dividend On September 27th, 2024 With 0.22 USD Dividend Per Share
The backstage Nikkei Average started at 180 yen depreciation, and Japan Post, Nintendo, etc. fell
[Nikkei Stock Average, TOPIX (table)] Nikkei Average; 38739.65; -180.61TOPIX; 2740.78; +3.24 [Backward Closer Overview] The Nikkei Average in the back was 38739.65 yen, which was 180.61 yen lower than the previous day, and started by slightly expanding the decline from the previous draw (38782.08 yen). Nikkei 225 futures during lunchtime fit well in the 38710 yen to 38790 yen range. The dollar and yen are 1 dollar = 155.80-90 yen and about 50 yen from around 9:00 a.m.
Japan Post and others announced share buybacks on 5/15
The stocks that announced share acquisition quota settings on 5/15 (Wednesday) are as follows <6178>Japan Post 320 million shares (10.0%) 350 billion yen (24/5/16-25/3/31) <8306>Mitsubishi UFJ 80 million shares (0.7%) 100 billion yen (24/5/16-24/6/30) <8316>Sumitomo Mitsui 15 million shares (1.1%) 100 billion yen (24/5/16-24/7/7)
Japan Post revises ordinary income 660 billion yen ← 62 billion yen upward on 24/3
Japan Post (6178) announced revisions to its earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending 2024/3. Ordinary income was revised upward from 10.86 trillion yen to 11.98 trillion yen, and ordinary profit was revised upward from 62 billion yen to 660 billion yen. Profits from Japan Post Bank and Kanpo Life Insurance, which are under its umbrella, have improved. Both ordinary income (about 10.85 trillion yen) and ordinary profit (about 650 billion yen) exceed consensus. [Positive Evaluation] <9020>JR East Express Period | <9511>Okinawa Electric Power Full Year <9
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