Top Stock Movers Now: Jabil, Norwegian Cruise Line, Hims & Hers Health, and More

Tourists visit Junkanoo Beach as a Norwegian Cruise Line ship departs Nassau, Bahamas, on April 29, 2024

Scott McIntyre / Bloomberg via Getty Images

Key Takeaways

  • Tech sector gains helped power the Nasdaq to a record intraday high on Monday, May 20, 2024, while the S&P 500 was also higher. 
  • Cruise stocks were among the biggest gainers in the S&P 500, led by Norwegian Cruise line after the cruise operator raised its full-year guidance amid strong demand.
  • Shares of Hims & Hers Health skyrocketed after the company announced plans to start offering access to GLP-1 injections as part of its weight-loss prescriptions.

Tech sector gains helped power the Nasdaq to a record intraday high on Monday, while the S&P 500 was also higher. The Dow, however, was lower.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NCLH) led gains on the S&P 500, with shares surging after the company announced a new long-term strategy, along with updated 2026 financial targets and raised its guidance for fiscal 2024 amid strong demand. Other cruise stocks also rose, including Carnival (CCL) and Royal Caribbean Cruises (RCL).

Engineering and manufacturing company Jabil (JBL) gained after the company announced the permanent CEO appointment of Michael Dastoor, who had been operating as CFO and interim CEO. Other executive changes were announced as well, as the company completed an investigation into its corporate policies.

Shares of telehealth company Hims & Hers Health (HIMS) skyrocketed after it announced plans to start offering access to popular GLP-1 injections as part of its weight-loss prescriptions.

"Providing access to compounded GLP-1s means eligible customers can use medications with the same active ingredient as Ozempic and Wegovy without navigating the shortages and costs that are currently limiting access to the branded medications," the company said.



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  1. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings. "Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. Announces “Charting the Course” Strategy and New 2026 Financial Targets; Increases Full Year 2024 Guidance."

  2. Business Wire. "Jabil Announces Leadership Transitions."

  3. Hims & Hers Health. "Hims & Hers Announces Access to GLP-1 Injections, Passing Cost Savings Onto Customers."

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