Canada Goose Sells More Winter Coats in North America and China, and Stock Jumps

Jackets and parkas for sale at a Canada Goose store in the SoHo neighborhood of New York, on Jan. 26, 2024

Bing Guan / Bloomberg via Getty Images

Key Takeaways

  • Shares of Canada Goose Holdings soared in intraday trading Thursday after the maker of fashion winter outerwear posted better-than-expected results as demand rebounded in North America and grew strongly in China.
  • Sales in North America jumped 24.5% to C$152.8 million after declining 13.6% in the previous quarter. Greater China sales climbed 29.7% to C$128.4 million.
  • Canada Goose noted that layoffs during the year generated about C$20 million in productivity improvements and cost savings.

Shares of Canada Goose Holdings (GOOS) soared in intraday trading Thursday after the maker of fashion winter outerwear posted better-than-expected results as demand rebounded in North America and grew strongly in China.

The company reported fiscal 2024 fourth-quarter adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of 19 Canadian cents ($0.14), with revenue rising 22.1% to C$358.0 million. Both were better than forecasts.

Sales in North America jumped 24.5% to C$152.8 million after declining 13.6% in the previous quarter. Greater China sales climbed 29.7% to C$128.4 million.

Gross profit climbed 22% to C$233.0 million, and gross margin came in at 65.1%, up from 64.9% a year ago.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dani Reiss said the performance was above the company’s guidance even while it was “navigating a difficult environment.”

Canada Goose noted that layoffs during the year generated about C$20 million in productivity improvements and cost savings. The company slashed its corporate workforce by 10% in August 2023, with an additional 17% reduction in March.

Canada Goose shares were trading up 17.3% at $13.44 as of 12:38 p.m. ET Thursday.

Update—May 16, 2024: This article was updated to include key takeaways and the latest share price information.

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  1. Canada Goose Holdings. "Canada Goose Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year Fiscal 2024 Results."

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