Moomoo Malaysia Help Center-Malaysia stock trading session
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Malaysia stock trading session

Those below are the Malaysia stock trading session.

Trading PhasesMarket Timing(MYT)
First SessionPre-Opening8:30
Opening Auction / Continuous Trading9:00
Mid-Day Break
Second SessionPre-Opening14:00
Opening Auction / Continuous Trading14:30
Closing Auction / Trading At Last16:50 - 17:00

*Half day trading closure for the second session. However, the business hours for Clearing, Settlement & Depository remain the same.

*For more details about the trading session, please refer to the information of the Bursa Malaysia.



1. First session: 08:30 - 09:00
2. Second session: 14:00 - 14:30
3. During this phase, new order entry, order modification and order cancellation are permitted, but no orders are matched.
4. All outstanding and unmatched orders placed in the first session will be carried into the the second session.
5. Theoretical Opening Price (TOP) and Theoretical Opening Volume (TOV) and the order book of each security are broadcasted.

Opening Auction / Main Trading Phase

1. First session: orders are matched at 9:00 and the Opening Price will be calculated, and then the trading period continues until the market closes at 12:30.
2. Second session: orders are matched at 14:30 and the Opening Price will be calculated, and then the trading period continues until the next phase at 16:45.
3. During this phase, new order entry, order modification and order cancellation are permitted, and orders are matched.


1. Second session: 16:45 - 16:50
2. During this phase, new order entry, order modification and order cancellation are permitted, but no orders are matched.
3. Open orders will be entered automatically to this phase.
4. All outstanding and unmatched orders from the main trading phase are carried into the pre-closing phase.
5. Theoretical Closing Price (TCP) and Theoretical Closing Volume (TCV) and the order book of each security are broadcasted.

Closing Auction / Trading At Last

1. Orders are matched at 16:50 and the Closing Price will be calculated, and then the trading at last period continues until the market closes at 17:00. Trading at last is a ten minutes trading phase commencing immediately after the closing routine. Orders are matched continuously only at the fixed price generated from the preceding closing auction.
2. New order entry, order modification and order cancellation are permitted. However, new orders and modified orders for securities must have prices equivalent to the closing price, otherwise, the new order or order modification will be rejected.
3. Unmatched orders (except Good-till-Cancel orders) will become expired after the end of this period.