AgriFORCE Announces The Launch Of Sustainable Agricultural Operations At Its Newly Acquired Bitcoin Mining Facility In Sturgeon County, Alberta, Canada
AgriFORCE Announces The Launch Of Sustainable Agricultural Operations At Its Newly Acquired Bitcoin Mining Facility In Sturgeon County, Alberta, Canada
AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ:AGRI), an intellectual property-driven technology leader, is proud to announce the launch of sustainable agricultural operations at its newly acquired Bitcoin mining facility in Sturgeon County, Alberta, Canada. By harnessing the excess heat and carbon emissions from Bitcoin mining, AgriFORCE is pioneering a novel approach to promote agricultural productivity while reducing environmental impact.
AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd.(納斯達克:AGRI),一個以知識產權爲驅動力的科技領袖,自豪地宣佈在其新收購的比特幣挖礦設施位於加拿大阿爾伯塔省斯特格林縣啓動可持續農業運營。通過利用比特幣挖礦產生的多餘熱量和碳排放,AgriFORCE正在開發一種新穎的方法來推動農業生產力,同時減少環境影響。
The facility, powered by an on-site generator, utilizing flared gas, integrates carbon capture and heat reuse technologies to support the cultivation of premium crops and aquaculture. Targeted products include white-legged shrimp, nutrient-dense micro-greens, and high-demand red seaweed—key contributors to food security and economic development in the region. These sustainable practices are designed to offset the greenhouse gas emissions associated with high-energy Bitcoin mining, demonstrating a model for future growth.