SBS Transit bags Bukit Merah Bus Package operation

The five-year contract will start in April 2024.

SBS Transit has won the five-year Bukit Merah Bus Package contract for the second consecutive term.

In a statement, SBS Transit said the contract which can be extended by between two and five years, is composed of 17 bus services including two cross-border services to Johor Bahru. The services will still start from two bus interchanges, Bukit Merah and HarbourFront, and four bus terminals Kampong Bahru, Marina Centre, Queen Street and Shenton Way.

This also marks the third bus tender it won under the new Bus Contracting Model.

Under its proposal, the company committed to establishing a new Bus Captain Training and Certification Centre to improve driving proficiency and road safety. 

ALSO READ: SBS Transit registers 1.6% revenue growth, higher energy prices hike operating costs

It also prioritised sustainability programmes and committed to achieving Net Zero Energy Buiding status through a comprehensive Smart Metering System that uses real-time data for analysis to optimise energy and water usage.

Following the award, SBS Transit remains the biggest public bus operator, comprising 55% of the market share and operating 192 bus routes under eight bus packages.

SBS Transit was awarded the five-year contract to operate Bukit Merah Bus Package in 2018. The new contract will start after the expiry of the initial contract in April 2024 following a six-month extension.


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