SunCon Indirect Unit In Trinidad And Tobago Deregistered
SunCon Indirect Unit In Trinidad And Tobago Deregistered
Sunway Construction has informed that its 2019 apllication to deregistrer its indirect unit in Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has been confirmed.
Sunway Construction已通知其2019年申请注销其在特立尼达和多巴哥的间接子公司的事宜已经得到确认。
Sunway Construction (Caribbean) Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of SunCon said it has received an official de-registration certificate from the Registrar, confirming that SCCL has been officially struck off and dissolved in accordance with the Act of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on 30 November 2023.
Sunway Construction(加勒比)有限公司,SunCon的间接全资子公司表示,已从注册处收到正式注销证书,证实SCCL已于2023年11月30日根据特立尼达和多巴哥法案正式注销并解散。