
Prime Medicine Analyst Ratings

Prime Medicine Analyst Ratings

Benzinga Analyst Ratings ·  2023/01/24 09:23
Date Upside/Downside Analyst Firm Price Target Change Rating Change Previous / Current Rating
01/24/2023 25.45% Morgan Stanley $23 → $21 Maintains Equal-Weight
11/14/2022 61.29% JP Morgan → $27 Initiates Coverage On → Overweight
11/14/2022 49.34% Jefferies → $25 Initiates Coverage On → Buy
11/14/2022 37.4% Morgan Stanley → $23 Initiates Coverage On → Equal-Weight
11/14/2022 31.42% Goldman Sachs → $22 Initiates Coverage On → Neutral
日期 上行/下行 分析公司 目标价格变化 评级变化 上一次/当前评级
01/24/2023 25.45% 摩根士丹利 $23→$21 维护 等重
2022年11月14日 61.29% 摩根大通 →$27 开始承保 →超重
2022年11月14日 49.34% 杰富瑞 →$25 开始承保 →购买
2022年11月14日 37.4% 摩根士丹利 →$23 开始承保 →等重
2022年11月14日 31.42% 高盛 →$22 开始承保 →中性

What is the target price for Prime Medicine (PRME)?

Prime Medicine(PRME)的目标价格是多少?

There is no price target for Prime Medicine

Prime Medicy没有价格目标

What is the most recent analyst rating for Prime Medicine (PRME)?

最新分析师对Prime Medicine(PRME)的评级是多少?

There is no analyst for Prime Medicine

Prime Medicine没有分析师

When is the next analyst rating going to be posted or updated for Prime Medicine (PRME)?

Prime Medicine(PRME)的下一次分析师评级将于何时发布或更新?

There is no next analyst rating for Prime Medicine

Prime Medicine没有下一个分析师评级

Is the Analyst Rating Prime Medicine (PRME) correct?

分析师对Prime Medicine(PRME)的评级正确吗?

There is no next analyst rating for Prime Medicine

Prime Medicine没有下一个分析师评级

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