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This is a common question that comes up among investors. There is no right or wrong answer but for those who are not adept at timing the market or who have no time or energy to monitor the market everyday, I feel dollar cost averaging (DCA) is an easier and safer approach as it averages out the per unit cost over time. Putting aside a set amount of money for investment at regular intervals is analogous to a form of regular savings (albeit with a higher level of risk tha...

To me is really depend on what type of character are you in person, your investment strategy should match your personality and daily life.
I am busy with family work and holiday, i rather DCA my portfolio into different industry and geographically. Split in 3 low, mediuk and high risk. and let it run it owned.
both are the way to beat inflation, no right or wrong, more important is have you do anything
I am busy with family work and holiday, i rather DCA my portfolio into different industry and geographically. Split in 3 low, mediuk and high risk. and let it run it owned.
both are the way to beat inflation, no right or wrong, more important is have you do anything