MonkeyGee : omg, what were you trading
Bill kim : Whoa! You're crushing it! What's your secret sauce for investing?
Euler007 : What are you buying?
Indep-guy : Options trading? Dude you're doing great! I'm just the newbie!
GAME_DAY : You can make these prints on Canva
TheTradingDad : Synthetic option strategy? Nice one!
103576640 MonkeyGee : Wow
Novice Trades OP GAME_DAY : you can indeed but why would anyone want to waste time like that lol
Lu Lulu Novice Trades OP : 你做得太棒了,可以分享你的交易细节吗?万分感谢
Orhan : 110k%? Congrats brother you won the lottery, however I doubt this is real.
MonkeyGee : omg, what were you trading
Bill kim : Whoa! You're crushing it! What's your secret sauce for investing?
Euler007 : What are you buying?
Indep-guy : Options trading? Dude you're doing great! I'm just the newbie!
GAME_DAY : You can make these prints on Canva
TheTradingDad : Synthetic option strategy? Nice one!
103576640 MonkeyGee : Wow
Novice Trades OP GAME_DAY : you can indeed but why would anyone want to waste time like that lol
Lu Lulu Novice Trades OP : 你做得太棒了,可以分享你的交易细节吗?万分感谢
Orhan : 110k%? Congrats brother you won the lottery, however I doubt this is real.