Vincent AY
We must remember that technical indicators reflect price movements after they have occurred, rather than predicting them in advance. Therefore, there is always a degree of speculation involved when relying on these indicators for decision-making.
OPVincent AY
true while it doesn't predict the future, it increases the probability of success by identifying high-probability setups. Historical data that it provides represent market sentiment and when used correctly, you can find perfect exit of entry points
74490940 : time to sell lol
WesL : i keep comparing with btc chart, xrp support really strong..
Vincent AY : We must remember that technical indicators reflect price movements after they have occurred, rather than predicting them in advance. Therefore, there is always a degree of speculation involved when relying on these indicators for decision-making.
cryptonerd OP Vincent AY : true while it doesn't predict the future, it increases the probability of success by identifying high-probability setups. Historical data that it provides represent market sentiment and when used correctly, you can find perfect exit of entry points
Vincent AY cryptonerd OP : I believe I know what I am talking about because I am also using TA for my entry and exit.
cryptonerd OP Vincent AY : Then that's good for you