104829689 : According to what you said, if Company A keeps falling for a few more years, won't it explode soon?
Tbeanbean : It might just be a correction
Agent Smith 404 : Looks like the whole world is "finished" to me.
股海踏浪 : The flag pattern consolidation has ended, and the big bottom is just around the corner!
sixxtreble : Down 2% on the week and we're finished.
104829689 : According to what you said, if Company A keeps falling for a few more years, won't it explode soon?
Tbeanbean : It might just be a correction
Agent Smith 404 : Looks like the whole world is "finished" to me.
股海踏浪 : The flag pattern consolidation has ended, and the big bottom is just around the corner!
sixxtreble : Down 2% on the week and we're finished.