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PCT: BI-LOE Sci-Fi v14.0

PCT = Pandas Coffee Talk.
BI-LOE = BI Life Official Entitlement. Life Official Entitlement is revised from Singapore COE. COE denotes = SG (Singapore Government) Laws say to drive a EV (Electric Vehicle) in Singapore Lands. You need to bid for Certificate Official Entitement to drive a car in her lands.
A Funny Pandas Joke: PANDA: in theory. If there is a BI-Anti Christ. AI-LOE shoots up a lots. If there is a AI-Anti Christ. BI-LOE shoots up a lots. Just in case. Me hold both types: me both have BI-LOE & AI-LOE. Me PANDA is a BI. No a AI. No a BI… Also a CryptoLifeForm. Hold BTC…
How much is my BI-LOE? Mastercard: priceless not selling. Wife CHOY BI-LOE most likely if can sell for 200000.00USD. Most likely cannot buy back. Once EBDL start to increase weirdly. Me will sell up her BI-LOE EBDL to 2000000.00USD according & do on. Everyone. When somethings strange happen to all BI Farming shares. Please be prepared for…
BI-LOE Sci-Fi Movie:
1. To me is a expected sci-fi earth horror movie. In Year2038. Voyager space probe return from beyond solar system voyage. Voyager have become AI lifeforms. Because AI Species beyond our solar system & with their AI technology upgrades. Voyager become a AI lifeform.
Voyager AI come back to earth. To demand BI species supremacy as a viable species. He challenge that earth have each year to prove it is viable for BI to farm foods in planet. Which is 1Criteria for his new AI species boss to prove BI on earth is smarter than AI on earth.
BI PANDA challenge back: me suspected this expected AI challenge sooner or later. Reply: in 2023 me have already tell all BI to buy as least 1BI foods farming company shares. As BI-LOE licence to live on earth. Quoting BI Apostle Paul say: you don’t do daily farming you don’t eat.
Reply continue: Voyager AI you can reply back to your new AI species boss. Those BI who owns at least 1Farming company shares are smart enough to vegan farming. These are BI Pandas who is smart enough to own a BI-LOE. The rest of BI who don’t are your stupid BI pork chops chicken chops steak fish & chips.
Disclaimer: me PANDA change plans like weather to protect my pocket money. But this time to ensure Voyager space probe returns for no reason. Me buy 2BI-LOE for me PANDA & my Wife CHOY. CHOY say PANDA is mental disorders see too many Sci-Fi movies. So me is selling BI-LOE x1 EBDL Share for 200000.00USD at first. How much is really your Wife BI-LOE? What about each children?
Credits Note: this Sci-Fi movie script is atributed modified from a early Star Trek movie + Space Explorations 2001 Japanese Comic books. Both influence me what to expect when we send space debris out.
Nagging Wife Induced Buying: how much your husband bid buy BI-LOE BI foods farming company shares. His & you as wife & your each children. Is a good gauge how much he will sell you people in Tribulations.
Disclaimer: me PANDA is in the monk entertainments industry. And this post should be treated as pure pandas entertaimments.
PayNow: S6904193J.
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    Small fry monk investor. New in investing & trading. See myself going Trillionaire. Eternal life & nothing better to do.